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Feature on Lydney Park Farm - an AHDB Strategic Dairy Farm Network member

Last week Aerworx visited Lydney Park Farm....

As recently featured in Farmers Weekly, Gavin Green and Keith Davis of Lydney Park Farm, Glos, certainly have their fingers on the pulse when it comes to grassland management.

Speaking to Keith Davis, dairy manager, they routinely monitor DM yields across their milking platform of 300ha, ranking paddocks and creating a strategic plan to drive the productivity of their 850 Jersey crosses.

They already had impressive above average yields of between 10-15 t/ha DM but knew that they could improve this further - optimising soil health was an important part of their strategic plan.

" Grass can cope in winter when not grazed but when actively growing in spring, 3-4 days of standing water kills it" ( Keith Davis).

Lydney Park recognised the impact that compaction was having across the farm and recently upgraded to the aerator of their choice.... the Aerworx A336s.

It is no surprise that this dynamic team is part of the AHDB Strategic Dairy Farm network and here at Aerworx, we are delighted that they have chosen us to be a part of their strategy.

Aerworx delivery
Delivery Day at Lydney Park Farm, Glos.

How do I use an aerator?
Training in the correct use of the Aerworx Aerator

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